Creative Process or Lack of

The other day I read an article on Fine Artist Newsletters by Moshe Mikanovsky titled "Am I an Artist?" Moshe began his article by asking if anyone noticed that he had not posted, blogged, or written for quite awhile. He stated, "In one word – Resistance. I was overwhelmed by that multi-headed monster, which told me that I am not a real artist. That I am not good enough. That I am a fraud. That I cannot give advice to other people while I have not succeeded much on my own.....And I believed it....This was on the bad days. On the good ones, the resistance was just tasks I had to do.....And I let it take hold of me and keep me away from making art."

WOW! this hit home for me. I have been sooooo complacent for a very long time. I was riding on the euphoric feeling of getting my painting into Viewpoint. Then my private painting class ended and the holidays hit and I just stopped. I am (and have been) working on a painting, but did not feel the need to push myself to finish it up. Then I got the notice that Viewpoint was moving their date to enter from August to May. Yikes!

I always begin the new year selecting the shows I want to enter and what I want to paint for these competitions. This early deadline totally overwhelmed me. Because the show meant so much to me, I became frozen and found the task to move forward hard to do.

Moshe said that several things helped him to begin to be reborn in his art. He gave a lot of credit to Seth Godin's book Linchpin. Moshe put several quotes in his newsletter, but the quote Seth wrote that spoke to me was,

 “Most of all, art involves labor. Not the labor of lifting a brush or typing a sentence, but the emotional labor of doing something difficult, taking a risk and extending yourself.

Taking a risk and extending myself. That always seems to be the elephant in my room. Putting oneself out there is not an easy task, yet the task that has to be dealt with is to push ourselves to paint, to run our homes, to take care of our families, to achieve our goals. Funny how I (we) can easily lose site and let complacency set in.

I am not going to promise that I will be a better painter, blogger, worker, wife, mother, etc... I will, however, try to take one day at a time and promise MYSELF to take the time to assess what needs to be done in my creative process so that I am happy with my progress.



RH Carpenter said…
Sounds like you have leaped over that hurdle that stopped you for a while and are on the right path again :) I seem unable to paint anything large right now...even though I have several things drawn out on full sheets of paper, I can't make myself start them...perhaps fear of ruining something or not doing it right or whatever. So many stories we tell ourselves about ourselves = what we are, what we are not, what we can do, what we cannot. I wonder what our lives would be if we didn't have these infernal critics in our heads?
Why do we feel the need to 'explain' why we are not painting? I'm always doing that .. Like others expect me to be painting I guess or maybe I put pressure on myself thinking I should be painting. I think this year more than any other I am just painting when I have the urge ... no apologizing to anyone.
Ohhhh, sorry I haven't been blogging lately ... been working on a large painting and only show up at the canvas when the urge strikes. *giggle.
Gaylynn said…
Nancy and Rhonda, If I had not put myself out here on this blog I wouldn't stress over it. Yet, I started the blog to keep me moving forward. This wasn't my first moment of "not painting for whatever reason" and I am sure not my last. It is just this forum makes me work it out and makes me feel the need to explain. Why? I think I (we bloggers) feel I owe it to those few who do read what I say. Thanks for your understanding and support.