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Miamisburg Annual Art Exhibition
Victory Bath
11 X 14
I Found It!
11 X 14
I entered these two paintings in Miamisburg Art Gallery's Annual Art Exhibition and both were accepted! This exhibition is special to me because I was taught at this gallery by Gene Woods (original owner/director/instructor) and Dorthy Peterson (instructor) all those years ago. I was 12 when I took my first oil painting class.
I thank the judge, M. Todd Muskopf ( for placing me in the exhibition.
The exhibition opened today. There were many excellent
paintings. I really liked a pastel by Patsy Weidner. She was lucky to receive a second place ribbon for her portrait of John. Another stand out to me was of a polar bear in colored pencil. He looked so cuddly. Another excellent piece was from Deb Ward. Actually she had two, one won a second place ribbon and the other I was lucky enough to have my painting, I Found It!, next to. Here is a picture of Deb in front of her winning painting.
My sister, Nannette, and I were discussing Deb Ward's painting when she walked up to place her ribbon on it. I introduced myself because I admire her work and read her blog. I really enjoyed meeting her and her friend. I plan to keep reading her blog and enjoying her work. Check out Deb Wards art through my links on the right. Her lace series is fantastic!
And thanks Nannette for attending with me.
Take care.
In reading your earlier posts, I see we both attended the Farny exhibit and the Homer Hacker show - perhaps we even saw each other there! (Destiny???)
Again, good to meet you and I'll be checking here frequently - keep up your good work.