One Year

As I write this blog, it is Labor Day and we all are watching New Orleans being hit by another hurricane. While most of the country is enjoying a day off and picnics, this city and surrounding areas are displaced and waiting out the storm. Our prayers go out to them. I have been writing on this blog for a year now. My original goal was to use this journal to make me accountable to paint a painting each month, report on art exhibitions I went to or show in, report on museum trips and life in general. I have to say that I started off well then the holidays happened. I got behind and never got back on track. I did post off and on, but no painting did I begin until late spring. That painting was "Victory Bath" that made it in the Miamisburg Art Guild's 6th Exhibiton. I do have another painting in the works in hopes of completing soon for a show in early October. After reflecting on those beginning goals, I know they were not attainable. I am just not very good at commitment to myself. There I said it. I am great at making plans, lists, etc. I am not good at following through on things for myself. I let chores, job and fun with family and friends more important than going to my studio space and getting to work on my art. By stating that, I guess you could say I do not know how to balance all the "stuff" in my life. So, I will begin this next year by working on me. Lord willing I will get better at putting me and my art first. Gaylynn
