watercolor 16 5/8 x 13
Our electric came back on around 7:30pm on Sept. 22nd. We were so excited! I got dishes done and laundry started that evening. I was salivating at the thought of a warm shower the next morning. And I was not disappointed :-)
Above is the painting I finished while the electric was out. I took my easel out on my deck and used the overcast daylight. I so much enjoyed painting outside. With school out I got eight hours in over two days.
It is now at the framers. I am entering it in a exhibition in my village called "Java, Jazz 'n Art" on October 10th. There will be approximately 36 artist from the county and local high school entering the exhibition. These artist have entered 75 -80 pieces total in the exhibition. There will be prizes awarded for the theme of "the river" and an "open to any subject" theme. The juror is the renowned artist John Rutheven. I think this is way cool!
The paintings will be displayed throughout 6 shops along the villages main street called Front street. The exhibition will be for only one day.
I am excited to have entered this first time event. I am also hopeful that it will be successful and becomes an annual event. I will keep you posted. Meanwhile, I am trying to decide on a name for this painting. If you think of titles let me know.