I have been working the last few weeks on a drawing for a painting when I had to stop and begin another project.
Our local Boys and Girls Club will be having a fundraiser on the March 7th. The organization is in the building that I work at. Last week their director came to me and asked if I would donate a painting for their silent auction. I know it is last minute, but I have been in the position that she is in. When my girls were in school I was Secretary of the PTO and we put on a silent auction luncheon every year. We took donations 9 months out and all the way up to the day of the event. So, I am not offended that she just now has asked for me to make a contribution. I also, am grateful for the help and patience her staff has for the students I work with. That is why I want to help if I can get this done.
I am not someone with a lot of inventory because I paint to enter juried shows. That means I frame the paintings I have that are show/sale worthy. I only get about 2 or 3 paintings done in a year. I have some early pieces, but hope I do not have to use them since they do not reflect what I am doing today. So I am trying my best to get something done. To help in that process I have chosen to work small, 4 x 6. I usually paint 9 x12 up to 16 x 20.
I am not a fast painter, so wish me luck that I can do this in a week. I only have evenings to work on it. I have about 5 hours of drawing then painting so far.
I snapped this store front in our village a few summers back. I would like to come back to this subject in the future and do a larger piece.