It is super bowl Sunday and the sun came out today. All the sunshine melted our long driveway. My hubby, daughter and her boyfriend spent some time chipping and scrapping the slush off the driveway.The melting has created a small stream down the drive into the creek. Hopefuly it does not freeze and cause a ski ramp effect or leaving will be ugly in the morning.
The trees have melted also. Where they once were white and icy and I was not able to see our road, now the trunks are displayed and the road is visible from our home.
School should resume tomorrow and my unplanned vacation from work will end :-)
I spent a lot of time in the studio on Friday. On my last post I got feed back from Deb Ward and Nancy VanBlaircom. Deb suggested that I give the tufts some "meat" under them so I did. Thanks Deb. I then worked some on the back pillows and my dog. Nancy cheered me on so I plan to get done this week. Cheerleaders are always welcome :-)
Well back to reality and super bowl commercials.
If you replaced the green trees outside the windows with WHITE it would look like it does here right now! Makes me want to take a nap!
Bet you have a few more "vacation days" due to more snow - take advantage and paint, paint, paint!