This past Monday, Alyson Stanfield, from artbizcoach.com, talked about
Expand Your Online Marketing. She talked about keeping your website(s)/blog(s) up to date; Be a conscious email user; and use social networks.
In the first tip Alyson suggests that we keep our our sites up to date with things we are doing in the studio on a regular basis along with using the best photos of our work and then writing about the pieces. Alyson said to use words that describe and tell stories about the piece(s).
The second tip on being a conscious email user means that you use your domain name in your email address because this helps advertise your website. Then create a personalized signature block that attaches to all outgoing e mail. Put your name and list all your web, blog, and social networking sites that you can be found. Always use the Bcc line so you do not pass all your contacts when you forward an email. You do not want to share your contacts. and last, sign up with a distribution service to send announcements and newsletters to your mailing lists.
The last tip was to sign up for social networks like MySpace, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter.... Alyson believes that your presences on one or more of these sites will help you network your art. Once you have signed up for one (or more) of these accounts then add them to your Contact or About page, your email signature, and post them on your blog.
I have been on Linkedin since last summer. I joined Facebook last week. My girls think it's a hoot that their mother is getting into the "tech" world. I spent the last week updating both sites and adding them to my email signature. The lingo and reading of "walls" on my page and others can keep you on the computer forever. I really lose time and will have to monitor that when I get on them to update or "read" my contacts pages.
Then Valentines day came yesterday and my sweet "techie" husband surprised me with an I-Touch I-Pod. How timely was that! So I have spent all day today learning how to work this new toy :-) I can use this device for music I have downloaded, as well as, check this blog and others, my email, Facebook and Linkedin accounts if wireless Internet is available. I can use it like a PDA with the calendar, contact addressbook, and notepad. I think I am going to like this toy.
Which brings me to my weekly updating of my blog and explaining why paint has not touched paper. I am still drawing in between my new tech discoveries. Now just figuring out how and when I will be able to balance all these sites, painting, housework and my day job. So I will be trying to take advantage of these on line tools one day at a time.
Does anyone else manage several sites and how are you at keeping up?
I try to update my website monthly because that is about how long it takes me to get a painting done!
I'm still in the dark about Facebook and Twitter, etc. - my hands are full enough as it is.
As you can see, I get on the computer at odd hours of the day and night just to keep up!
And it's possible to lose time (too much time!) on the computer - there is so much (too much?) information out here that we want to learn about.
Good luck to you for keeping up with it all!