Happy Mother's day to everyone!
One week to the show. I am not sure what I am feeling. As I told my sister this morning, I am anxious with a calm (for now). She asked what the difference was between a juried show and a show of your work; you still put yourself out there. My response with out hesitation was that this was personal. This is personal, because it is a body of my work. When you enter a juried show it is a competition so you either get in or you don't. If you do not then you work harder to get in the next one. This is asking everyone to come see your work as a whole. And if you are lucky you might sell one of those babies that you worked so hard to produce. It becomes an issue of whether or not the viewers will like me? Me being my paintings.
This is the first time I have ever put myself out there in this manner. This is the third show for the rest of the group. All my friends and family have been invited to attend, as well as, are theirs and the general public. I will still be one of many artists, like a juried show, and I think that is why I am calm for now. However, I keep worrying whether I will bring in my share of patrons. I know by inviting me to present my art, I bring in a new customer base. Will I make a sale? Will I be okay if I do not? Do I have enough pieces? Is there really a set number of paintings you should paint before you put yourself out there for sales? Am I being naive about the whole process? As I asked one member of the group..am I over thinking everything?
Click on comment and tell me about your first show and how you felt going into it and how it turned out.
First show - long time ago - my teacher had a show for her students and I was so excited and proud to have something hanging! Since then I've been in quite a few shows via our watercolor society and galleries. I like seeing my work hanging next to others for comparison of style, technique, ability, etc. and, of course, it always feels good to sell something!
Good luck!