WOW what a day! I went into the day not sure what to expect and walked away with a deep appreciation for all my family a friends that supported me today.
Not only was I supported, but so were the other nine artists that participated today. The first patrons came ten minutes before we opened and the flow of people never stopped until the end of the show. I would guess that 300 people came through during the 4 hours.
It was a beautiful day outside! Patrons were able to view our art pieces, grab a drink and enjoy the weather on the patio.
I had many positive comments from several patrons, as did everyone and three members of the group were lucky enough to have a sale or two.
I went into this with anxiety on whether I could live up to their past shows. You know, will the public like my work? Will I bring in new faces and be an asset to the day? I worried for naught...this is the best group of artists to be associated with. They are encouraging and supportive of each other. I have to say how lucky I was when my framer introduced me to them.
This was such a positive experience and I can not wait to do it again.
Thanks to Deb Ward (see her link on the left of the page) for her support and answering my questions leading into this event. Thanks to my daughter and her boyfriend (the strong guy) for all their help on Saturday's set up. Thank you to all who came and made my day special!
Mary Helen Wallace came. I took a WC portrait class from her last summer. She said I should only paint the pictures like "Best Friends Napping" and the other two children themes. She pointed out that that was where my passion showed. I think I will listen to this wise lady :-)