The experiment with the masking fluid did not perform the way I had hoped. I may not have the bubbly look of old glass, but I do have a distorted feel of glass (sort of). I feel I went too dark in the middle frame and I am trying to remedy this without destroying the feel of the rest of the painting. I am hoping the flowers will help some.
Any suggestions, tips or critique? Leave me a comment.
I got my prospectus for the Miamisburg Art Gallery Annual Juried Art Exhibition. It is August 15 through September 5, 2009. They made some changes this year. In the past they broke the categories into the different media which created 5 or 6 categories. Each category had a first, second, third place, and an Honorable Mention. They even had a Best of Show of all the categories. This year the categories are broken into Portraits, Landscapes, Still Life and Miscellaneous. I wonder if this will make it harder to get into the exhibition?
The show is to be judged by Jeffery Jones. He is a professor at the University of Dayton. After googleing him I found some of his work which was abstract. I was hoping to find a blog or website with more of his work, but was unable to.
Back to work. I won't blog again until I am finished.