Here in Cincinnati, like most towns, we have our many fund raising opportunities for the community to participate in. I am going to recommend one such opportunity.
In October is the 8th Annual Breast Cancer Brick Auction "Bricks Along the Journey" at Mayerson JCC. (www.breastcancerbricks.org)
The auction is in loving tribute of hope and determination to every woman who lives or has lived with Breast Cancer, along with family and friends.
The event was begun by Ellen Berstein Ganson and Marcia Levitas. Ellen was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and always spoke how she felt like she had been hit with a ton of bricks. Ellen lost her battle Septemeber 26. 2006.
In celebration of Ellen's life and fight against breast cancer, family, friends and local artists commit themselves each year to decorating bricks for the auction. All proceeds go to the
Ellen B. Ganson Fund to benefit research, education, advocacy and patient support in the greater Cincinnati area.
Last year, 2008, the brick auction, raffle prizes and advance sponsorship raised $45,000.
I am encouraging everyone in the greater Cincinnati area to contact Beth Goldfarb at 513-673-7420 or by email, beth@breastcancerbricks.org to find out how to get a brick to decorate for the suction. There are several locations throughout the area to pick them up. They come with directions on how to clean your brick and how to seal your brick once you have decorated it. All participating artists are invited to a very special thank you party.
I picked my brick up from my design artist friend Tina Clyburn, proprietor of
Designs on Main in Mt. Carmel (Clermont Co./Eastgate area). Tina has participated since the beginning auction. She has several examples at her beauty shop to help you get ideas.
Deadline to turn in bricks will be September 25, 20009.

Now, as to my creation to the right...as I have told you, I am struggling.
I have now made it a mixed media painting because I got out the gouche'. I was talking with a friend who just got back from seeing both the Farnsworth and Brandywine museums with the Wyeth families wonderful paintings. She reminded me that Andrew himself said that when a watercolor was not working he got out the gouche' to "save" the painting. Well, I do not claim to have his skills, but I am willing to try his suggestions. I think the flower area is my sore point. My goal was to have your eye hit their before seeing the reflections in the glass, then the rocks around the windowsill. I have lost the light hitting the leaves and flowers. I am struggling to bring them back. Gouche' has helped some.(?)
What do you think? Should I keep working or scrap it and start over? What would you do?
Please, leave me a comment.
I think your painting looks fine - bring it to GCWS August meeting for a critique???