This week was the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Societies monthly meeting. For me it was my last until next summer since they meet on Wednesday mornings. I have to say in the three meetings that
I was able to attend, I met some very nice people and observed three outstanding demo talks. This month was Donna Pierce Clark, OWS ( Donna paints in watercolor, oil, and acrylic. She talked about fluid acrylic paints from Golden Paints. Fluid acrylic means that the paint stays wet longer. Unlike regular acrylics that dry in a few hours, these can stay wet on your palette for a few days and on your painting up to a week depending on the thickness of the paint on your painting. Donna says that it can stay wet in her covered palette (tupperware container) for weeks.
Donna , today, used Ampersand gesso board for her demo. She says that she prefers the board over a canvas because she like that it is smooth. Donna also like to use Yupo for her
paintings. Water is the vehicle, as well as, gel medium. Donna uses a clear gel medium. She takes a hake brush places a thin, watered down gel medium layer all over the board. She said that the gel medium helps to keep the paint wet and when the painting is done it can be used as a varnish to finish and protect the painting.
The picture that Donna used was on her laptop. When looking up close, Donna used her paint straight from her palette and mixed the paint on the painting. Her strokes looked like oil without the mess.
I have to say I would not mind trying these acrylics. It seemed like you get the butter feel of oil without the mess, smells and drying time. I really enjoyed this demonstration.
Do you use this type of acrylics? Can you add to what I observed? Please leave a comment.