I have begun my next painting. It is a "river" scene for the Java, Jazz n' Art show. There is a the river theme and open theme prize.
It is a view of the Ohio river under the I-275 bridge. This was approximately 8:30am with Paddelfest participants starting their trek, from Coney Island, down the river towards the serpentine wall /public landing in Cincinnati.
It is 16 X 20 and I have approximately 20 days to finish it an get it to the framer two weeks prior to delivery to the show.
Speaking of framing...I just got back "Lunch Anyone" from the framer. I personally am not happy with it. I had it framed for show, which means the mat is white and the frame is black. I thought my framer and I picked a a fabulous frame. The frame has an "old world" feel with a twine running through it and gold trim on the inside near the 3" mat. I think the painting looks dull. Maybe it is me. I will have to live with it a few days. We will see.
Thank you all for being patient with me as I got back into the swing of school again. I am still swamped with paperwork, but I am seeing the light and things are becoming smoother with each day.
P.S. Reminding you that your bricks are due on Sept. 25th for the 8th Annual Breast Cancer Auction. Check the website if you have any questions www.brestcancerbricks.org