I am at the point that I only have a little tweaking to do this evening, but basically I can call this one done.
A year ago today, we lost our power to the "hurricane" that came through the Ohio valley. My household was without electricity for 9 days. That is when I finished "Two Men and a Barge", for the Java, Jazz n' Art show. We were out of school for three of those 9 days. The sunny, mild days on my deck were a blessings enabling me to get that painting done. I hope by finishing on the anniversary of this wind storm will bring me luck. :-)
Let me know what you think about the painting. I will be taking it to the framer before the week is out.
P.S. For those entering a brick for the 8th Annual Breast Cancer Brick Auction, they are due next week, Sept. 25th. If you have nay questions check the website www.breastcancerbricks.org
I get "stage fright" on entering things like that. I would not make it in an Advertising Office :-) I stress over the process. My friend loves to enter the Brick Auction, The Christmas Card competition (she has won and placed)and the Artworks Small Works Auction that is coming up. I cheer her on like she cheers me on with entering exhibitions.