My blogging and Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society buddy, Deb Ward
(debwardart), honored me with the Kreataiv Blogger Award. Thanks Deb!
I am to tell 7 things about myself, then pass the award on to 7 other bloggers that I admire.
So here goes...
1. I have been married for 28 years.
2. I have 3 grown daughters.
3. I began painting when I was 12 (in oils).
4. I went to Eastern Kentucky University for an Art Education Degree where I discovered acrylics.
5. I have been painting in watercolor for 8 years.
6. I love to travel, especially to island/beaches.
7. I have been to London and Paris (and all those fabulous museums) twice.
Whew! That was not easy. It is like getting brain freeze. As I listed something I kept asking myself "Do I want to share this?" or "Would they really want to know this?"
Anyway, on to the next step, listing my 7 favorite blogs. Let me begin by saying that I would place Deb here if I could.
Realism in Watercolors Jacqueline Gnott -I enjoy here very realistic florals.
Exploring Color & Creativity Nita Leleand -I have learned so much from her books.
My Little Paint Box Pablo Villicana Lara -Her sketches look like finished pieces.
A Painting Today Karin Jurick -I am amazed by her brush strokes and ease of small 6x6 paintings.
Paintings in Oil Neil Hollingsworth - I love the way he takes ordinary items and makes them enjoyable to look at.
Nicole Caulfield Art Journal Nicole Caulfield -Her still lifes in colored pencil are fantastic!
The Extraordinary Pencil Marsha Robinett -Her blog title says it all (I hope she is feeling better).
I have lots and lots of blogs in my library and I enjoy each and everyone of them. I enjoy the blogger that tells a good story; that has exquisite work; that shows the process of art and the one who gives great tips. Anyone that connects with others deserves to have all of the blogging wards passed their way.
I hope you check the above 7 and enjoy them as much as I do.
Now for the second part of my title....
I recently tried to get a watercolor class going at our local gallery. Only 2 signed up so we have to post pone the class until we can get a few more. We had two articles in the local paper about the classes beginning at the gallery. It was advertised at the Java, Jazz n' Art. So my question of the week is...How did you get a class that you wanted to teach up and running? Was it already going and you stepped in? Did you use the words beginning watercolors or beginning oil to get the class started? Did you give a one day demo or workshop?
These are some of the things the gallery owner and I were pondering. Please leave a comment and tell me your story.
I was pleased to read you post and thought this would be great to find out some about giving watercolor classes. I've been asked to give some classes locally and can't wait to see the replys you receive ... Not haveing taught but one workshop, I'm kind of at a loss about classes. I'll return later and hope that others have shared their experiences.
I am glad that you responded. I have missed your posts. Now that I know you are still out there and I look forward to your next post.