Well the Java,
Jazz n' Art has come and gone. I was lucky to have all three of the paintings that I entered make it into the show. So did some of my friends that I paint with in the Legendary Artists Group and the Cincinnati Watercolor society and other artists friends. Sad for me that I did not win anything.
The show was juried by three people this year. M. Katherine Hurley (who is a landscape artist that paints in oil), Gary Gleason (Owner of Miller Gallery in Hyde Park/Cincinnati, OH and Winter Park/Orlando, Fla.) and Ana England (Artist/Professor @ Northern Kentucky Univ.) There were 92 pieces from 42 artists in the show and seven paintings sold!
The Awards were given at the reception on Friday evening. We had rain all day. It let up for about an hour
so the artists and their guests could go to the three venues that held the art wor
To the left, is the River Theme winner. It is called "River Kiss" by Shelia Fleischer. The Open theme, to the right, was a watercolor by Joan Rothel.
I really enjoyed this painting, "New Orleans Rag" by Paul Vollman.
I liked the energy that Paul put into this piece. I could feel the beat and here the music
On Saturday, the rain moved out and left the skies cloudy and the air brisk. I joined a few artists as the festival began. We painted in the little park in New Richmond that sits along the river. It was a nice time painting while listening to the jazz and socializing with the visitors as they too listened and looked at the artwork. The organizers guesstim
ated around 2000 people enjoyed the day. Those that came out enjoyed our shops, restaurants and the vendors outside the Front Street Gallery.
On the right is my friend, Sharon, painting a river scene. She was one of the lucky artists that sold a painting at the show, which is on the left.
Along with the Java, Jazz n' Art event, it was also the high schools homecoming week. I was involved in this also through my husband. So after I painted, I then chaperoned the dance that evening. It was a very long day.
If you came down to the river and and enjoyed the day, click on comments and tell em about it.