Because of Veterans Day I had the day off. I was thrilled when I looked at the calender and saw that I could attend the monthly meeting of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society. I have not been to a meeting since August when school began. The guest speaker was Judy Anderson (
. Judy is a Signature Member of the National, Ohio, Kentucky, Texas and Northwest Watercolor Societies. In her artist statement she says, "My expressionistic paintings are playful marriages of reality and myth. I strive to push my visions creatively through strong colors and interesting shapes. Fracturing, pattern/texture and composition are my tools for energizing the work. Matisse proved to me that light
-hearted and decorative are valid forms of serious art."
Judy's topic today was on color in landscapes. She talked about choosing a palette and that you need the colors to be dominant in either the warm or cool colors. She used the example of the pattern of warm, cool, warm, cool, warm, cool.... plays off each other and helps to make a painting. Judy said to pick a palette that has personality, style and fits your subject matte
r. For todays demo she choose the colors sap green, cad. med. yellow, ocher, cerulean blue, cad. red, and burnt sienna.
Judy stressed how you should do a few value studies along with your sketch. "Planning is everything", said Judy. Judy's tips were to use acetate over the area you are working when you want to try something without messing up your painting. She also suggested that you can get some great information from You Tube ( typing in watercolor then tutorials. Another site she recommends is
Watercolor Painting ( As always, I learned a lot from this meeting. I look forward to next summer when I will be able to be apart of them again. Gaylynn