My local HERO is Sgt. Paul Brondhaver. He served in Iraqi Freedom 5 1/2 years ago. He also was wounded. Like all military he says that he would not change a thing and would go back if he was asked.
Paul works with children through the Parks district in Cincinnati and his total motivation is all about the kids. When Paul was in Iraq he soughtt out the children and figured out what their needs were and started a campaign to get the items needed.
Then the bottom dropped when he got wounded. I think it dropped more for those of us that support Paul and his family. Not Paul, he has worked through his disabilities and found the positive. Paul is a go getter. He was before Iraq and is to this day. When he got on his fe
et he went back to work at the Rec Center, he began traveling and speaking for his fellow men in the Armed Services. Anyone who asks him to tell about his ordeal, he is there. Through his speaking engagements he has met other injured soldiers and some influential people. The injured soldiers he stays in contact with. The influential people and companies he works with, for fund raising, for the kids. Paul helps inner city kids go to football, baseball and basketball camps with a lot of hard work and being apart of several organizations that support these events.
Which brings me to the event we were invited to. In the village of Montgomery is a organization called The Character and Courage Foundation ( The organization is non-profit and is dedicated to fulfilling dreams of deserving kids. They help build special baseball fi
elds for kids wit physical handicaps; donate equipment and uniforms to Little League teams in need and grant baseball-related WISHES for sick children. This organization is part of the Green Diamond Gallery ( The gallery is FULL of baseball memorabilia. It is open during the day to its members at night and for special events. There are signed baseballs, bats, jerseys, books, pennants, pictures and paintings from the beginning of baseball to the present. But, I digress.
The owner of this special gallery held a Veterans Day evening. He had Paul invite people that he supports and that has supported him over the past 5 years. We enjoyed the gallery prior to Paul talking about his love of country and his friends in the Armed Services. We were there to honor him and all Veterans, yet he honored the people who support him and his kids and the Veterans that he invited. It was a very special and magical evening for all who attended.
I just wanted to share my evening of tribute to all Veterans and hope you keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
(sidebar- My Dad, Ret. Navy, was one of the dozen servicemen that Paul honored. This was a surprise and very special for my family that was present.)